

//sometimes Draug likes to take charge and Alaskial just lets em~

scribble but a sinful one~





Draug likes to tempt Alaskial’s Darkside~

Draugion couldn’t believe what he had gotten himself into. After months of fear and anguish, two ruined relationships and a dead dragon spirit, he had somehow convinced his past lover to unleash his darkside. 

 He knew that Alaskial had been struggling with his darkness, and Sidurgu had done his best to teach him how to control it through becoming a dark knight, but he couldn’t trust him. There was no way the bard could let himself do this. The night he had broken things off with the dragoon was still seared in his mind, and a part of him still feared that Alaskial would lose control and hurt him again. 

 Yet here he was, pinned between the Au Ra and the door of his inn room, hot mouth pressed against his and a raging hard on making it all hard to think about between his legs. He felt hot and he tried to push away but only found himself digging his claws into Alaskial’s arms, pulling him closer. Draugion opened his mouth against his own will, allowing the dominating dark knight to invade him with tongue and fang. A moan slipped from him, and he hooked his leg around his hip as he began to grind into him.

 "Eager, are we?“ The dark knight chuckled as he pulled away to lick at Draugion’s horn. “I didn’t think you’d actually want this, yet here you are…practically begging…" 

 "Shut up,” Draugion murmured, nipping at Alaskial’s lower lip. “Just get this over with,“ 

 "Hn…as you wish, Love,” He murmured back, dragging a claw over Draugion’s lips before twisting them around to lead him to his bed.
