
My responses get saltier every day

PSA to white mages from your friendly neighborhood dark knight


When you got a dark knight in your party and they do a huge pull. and during this pull you see this lovely icon

that one right there. That pink and slightly purple and black thing. You know what that is? Blood Price. Essential skill to every huge pull for a dark knight. Now, what’s Blood Price do?

Oh. Hum. Restores partial MP when damage taken. Wait lemme zoom in on this.

Wait. Bit more.

So Blood Price restores partial MP when damage is taken. Although your dark knight shouldn’t be standing in AOE, auto attacks from monsters restore your MP every time they smack you around. During massive pulls, these auto attacks from all these mobs restore your mana to full. Which allows you to properly spam your aggro skills to mitigate these mobs. 

“Nikita, why are you telling me this?” 

Well you wanna know why?

Because almost 9 times out of 10 during these huge pulls when a DRK has Blood Price up, a WHM will run in and Holy everything

Now WHMs, what’s Holy do?

Right, let’s zoom in as before.

What happens when mobs are stunned? 

They don’t move. They don’t attack.

What happens when a DRK has Blood Price up and all the mobs are stunned?


I understand you want to help. This is good. I encourage this. But please, for the love all that is holy (badumptiss) PLEASE WAIT TO HOLY AFTER YOU SEE BLOOD PRICE FALL OFF YOUR DARK KNIGHT.

This has been a PSA.

As much as I agree and I do avoid using Holy when they have Blood Price up, this is sort of the tail end of bitching at healers to DPS all the time, we finally do and suddenly “don’t DPS as it is actually badly affecting my rotation”. Yeah… Swings and roundabouts.

Cane of the White Tsar, get!

#cane-of-the-white-tsar, #ffxiv, #heavensward-relic, #keeper-of-the-moon, #lynto-amariyo, #miqote, #white-mage, #white-mage-relic