
Having trouble finding where that piece of glamour is in your inventory?

/isearch is here to help you!

It’s come to my attention that a good number of people don’t actually know this command exists, even for long veterans (I don’t even know when this was introduced, but I’d been using this excessively for the past several months), but its a godsend for people who have a shitton of stuff filling their retainers and inventories and don’t know where they put that particular thing.

you can even do /isearch in dungeons and raids, and it will find that thing for you so you can link it in chat or check if you already have something.

Just do a search with a word you know your item has and it will link all items with that term that you currently own. Then you can right click the item as per normal to link, to try on, to search. 


I’ve reached 700+ followers for a time. Thank you so much for following me! 

So, here’s a speciall art giveaway


  • FFXIV playes ONLY
  • Follow me on Tumblr
  • Reblog this post


  • 2 people will be randomly selected
  • And I will draw

    your character in China servers region outfit.  →

  • Or maybe you want your character in other  Traditional Chinese clothes, like qifu, hanfu and so on.

※This art giveaway IS NOT OLNY for girls, all of them have male style. 

Winners will be messaged and must respond within 24 hours, else another winner will be chosen.

End date is july 3, 2016. China time

Thanks again guys, and good luck! 

Some sample of my art


FFXIV deity asks ~ Inbox these!


Halone, the Fury
1. How protective is your character over their possessions and/or loved ones?
2. How stubborn is your character?
3. Is your character more defensive or offensive when in battle?
Menphina, the Lover
4. How difficult is it to earn your character’s love?
5. Does your character separate love and sex or do they tie them together?
6. How romantic is your character?
Thaliak, the Scholar
7. When it comes to formal education, does your character have any goals?
8. Does your character enjoy reading? If so, what kind of books?
9. How important is education to your character?
Nymeia, the Spinner
10. Does your character believe in fate?
11. Do you think  your character is lucky or unlucky? What do they think?
12. Describe an instance where your character experienced a direct consequence of the ‘butterfly effect’.

Llymlaen, the Navigator

13. Is there a place they haven’t seen that they wish to see before they die?
14. Favorite place in they’ve been to?
15. How adventurous is your character?

Oschon, the Wanderer

16. Does your character feel like they have a purpose in life? If so, what?
17. Does your character ‘go with the flow’ or do they tend to follow their own path?
18. Most influential place in their life they ‘wandered into’?
Byregot, the Builder
19. Does your character have any constructive hobbies?
20. Does your character enjoy the arts? If so, what kind?
21. Do they tend to get thigs done themselves, or do they rely on others?
Rhalgr, the Destroyer
22. At the peak of their fury, do they tend to be destructive? If so, how?
23. Do they tend to destroy themselves or those around them?
24. Would your character sink a ship if it meant dragging their enemies down with them?
Azeyma, the Warden
25. In general. how curious is your character? 

Do they mind their own business or are they nosy when it comes to other’s affairs?

27. Dscribe a situation where curiosity got them in trouble.
Nald’thal, the Traders
28. How materialistic is your character?
29. Is your character frugal or do they tend to be extravagant?
30. Is there something they’d trade anything for? If so, what?
Nophica, the Matron
31. How connected is your character to nature?
32. Does your character hold any respect for those who work the land?
33. Does your character respect nature, or wuld they stomp on it if it meant their benefit?
Althyk, the Keeper
34. If they could go back in time, would your character change anything in their past? If so, What?
35.  Does your character live in the moment or do they tend to be stuck in the future/past?
36. How does your character kill time?

Feel free to ask anything 🙂


Presales will begin next Tuesday!


Real screenshots I took showing why I sometimes don’t like Tumblr. People say everyone is welcome here and how nobody should be judged based on their skin color or gender. How all races are equal and should be treated equal. How all genders are equal and should be treated equal. But this is how Tumblr people act.


FC Shenanigans :- 

Reiko: Just try me… bitch…
Lyn’to: *whispers* Oh lord, don’t hurt me…

#au-ra-raen, #ffxiv, #keeper-of-the-moon, #lynto-amariyo, #reiko-hyoutsurigi, #scary-face



I will adopt this one.


Lyn’to will adopt her! D:



Dear white people…

Dear Racists with you’re Americanized view of the fucking world.

Not everywhere is like America.

Black people are not a minority everywhere. Especially not places like Zimbabwe. And whats going on there?


And thats not the only fucking place it happens either.


And it happens in America too:

There are many more but im not gonna find them all…

Not to mention that definition is 100% false.


That is the definition of racism. Prejudice is not caused by disadvantages you morons, disadvantages are caused by prejudice. Racism describes hating another race or finding your race to be superior. And if you happen to have power, you can cause disadvantages for the races you dont like.

Might I add, that by saying Blacks cannot be racist, you are implying my whole eight grade year did not happen, where I was bullied and tormented for not being black, for not being dark enough, and called a white ass cracker hoe even though I am MEXICAN. And the kids who actually WERE white suffered even more. Not to mention the staff was mostly black and sided with our bullies. It almost drove me to suicide. I still have scars. 

So keep shoving your head in the fucking sand so you can justify your behavior, attitude and racism towards white people, but by doing that you’re leaving your ass exposed and someones gonna fucking kick it.



The Sims 4 Patch Adds Gender Customisation

“The update gives players more ways to reflect the world around them, or in their imaginations, creating the sims and the stories they want,” says lead producer Lyndsay Pearson. “Our players are constantly engaged in a conversation with us about The Sims, and they’re always requesting more of everything,” says Pearson. “We always have an incredibly long list of things we want to add to the game, and so much of that list comes directly from player feedback. In this case, players have been asking why certain hairstyles, clothing, and other options were limited to one gender or the other… We also saw it as an awesome chance to continue to nurture what’s always been an inclusive environment for all our players.”

Pearson says that in addition to taking feedback from fans, the development team also consulted with GLAAD on the update to ensure the changes were respectful. Pearson says that there’s likely more on the way as well. “We’re always looking for new ways to push creative boundaries for our players,” she says, “and these tools grow over time, just like the game itself.”

[image] [article/more info]

Oh shit, is this legitimate?

This is cool.