
bust commission for @lynto-amariyo

A commission of Lyn’to by @mooglewand which I love! He looks so adorkable :3 Thank you Berry ^^ Go check out his tumblr and support his art!

#art, #balmung, #commission, #ffxiv, #keeper-of-the-moon, #lynto-amariyo, #miqote, #mooglewand

Another commission by @uretnik of my FFXIV character Lyn’to Amariyo being hugged (and held up) by his loving boyfriend, Sethaner Sommerville. Thanks again and if you want to support them, please check out their tumblr and commission them!

#balmung, #commission, #embrace, #ffxiv, #highlander, #hyur, #keeper-of-the-moon, #lynto-amariyo, #miqote, #sethaner-sommerville

A NSFW commission I got of Lyn’to by the amazing @uretnik and I love it! Please go check out their tumblr and if you like them, please consider helping them out and commissioning them!

#balmung, #commission, #ffxiv, #keeper-of-the-moon, #lynto-amariyo, #miqote, #nsfw, #uretnik


One of my favourite books, a Gray’s Anatomy for mythological creatures.

The Resurrectionist // Eb Hudspeth















Wow that’s some bullshit?

How to be a shitty parent

how is this shitty parenting if i tell you to be home at a certain time you better be there. Shit my mom would have been out looking for me.

Right? How is this shitty at all?? If i tell you to be home at a certain time you better be there or else you aren’t allowed in the home. I care about my kids safety so much I’ll endanger them when they dont listen to me.

i do not have the energy to explain why this is a shitty thing to do but yeah it’s shit

I do! If you’re gonna be a vindictive little shit to your kids, you shouldn’t be having them. Having abusive parents like the ones up here fucked up my perception of love and affection. 

I got locked out of the house all the time just like this poor kid. Do you know how fucking cold it gets at night? NO because you’re cushy and comfortable behind those decorated glass doors! I slept in 30

°F weather. I was on the swim team so I had to wake up and run with the team at 5 am then go to class. I’d wake up with frozen hair and bugs crawling on me. I’d start crying and it would rain fucking cold water. I had no friends in the neighborhood to go to. I’m still somewhat scared of the dark. 

There’s wild animals and predatory strangers and shit out there. You’re gonna put your fucking CHILD in that situation and FAIL to be their guardian at one of the most important times of day just because they made it home late? Kids make fucking mistakes, and if you aren’t prepared for that, you shouldn’t even have pets. You’re not a caretaker, you’re a lazy abusive perfectionist snot. I’d kick your ass if you were my neighbor and I saw you pulling this shit! No joke!

My roommate talks all the time about how if her kids mess around she’d smack them around, but she and a LOT of other people do not understand that punishments like those are abuse. They fuck your kid up for life.

If you leave a kid out in the cold they’re more likely to get into more trouble/danger to keep warm anyway. Who’s gonna take your kid into their home? Do you even give a shit what happens to them? No because you wanted to play god and get back at someone who is still developing. Be a fucking adult.

Your kid is not  a robot. It’s so shitty these parents have done this kind of stuff before and have NOT given the kid a blanket. 

Neglect is the chronic inattention or omission on the part of the care giver to provide for the basic emotional and/or physical needs of the child, including food, clothing, nutrition, adequate supervision, health, hygiene, safety, medical and psychological care and education. Emotionally neglected children do not receive the necessary psychological nurturance to foster their own growth and development. The consequences of neglect can be very serious, particularly for young children. The child who does not receive adequate emotional, cognitive and physical stimulation, physical care and nutrition may experience lags in development. These lags in development may be irreversible.


*Rejection, ignorance and isolation

*A lack of shelter

*Emotional neglect or lack of supervision

*Deliberate locking children out of the house

So if you think pulling this childish bullshit is ok, I will break into your house and steal whatever funds it takes to care for your child. I’ll fight you in the morning because you’re a garbage human being.

Stop teaching your damn kid they’re worthless. YOU made them.

 Stop being your child’s enemy, start being their actual fucking caretaker.

Just so y’all know… in the state of Texas, this is grounds for me to call CPS on your ass.  

And I will, too.

Same in Illinois and I fucking will.  

TBH all the people coming out in support of locking kids outside for missing curfew need to just not have kids

Reminder that one of the victims of Ted Bundy (the serial killer) was locked out of her house because of missing curfew, and he offered his “help.”

This can get your child KILLED.

Also, not everyone chooses to get home late.

There may be traffic, or an accident of some kind, or they may simply have a shit sense of time or direction.

Your kids aren’t strangers renting in your home, their your fucking kids.

I cannot even believe how fucked up this is had to be EXPLAINED to people, holy shit

People who support punishments like this for their kids, or for anyone’s kids, are just in parenting for the authority, not the responsibility. You care more about a parent’s being respected than their/your child as an actual human being. I’m so happy for you that abusing someone you have power over makes you feel like a big badass, ah yes, the joys parenthood brings. Threatening and abusing people until/unless they give you the respect to which you feel you are entitled! I mean, we can’t all be cops.

Spoiler alert: any parent who would do this doesn’t deserve respect from a dog, much less the child they’re abusing. And those of you advocating it without having a kid of your own? Don’t have kids. Don’t even get a pet. Turn your pets in if you have them. You lack the fundamental empathy and basic common sense necessary to be responsible for the life of anyone or anything.

This angers me so much… some people don’t deserve to have children.


Thank you @ace-hawke for this fic! Your payback may hurt but I will make it painful even more.

Why would you do this? D: I never want to see Dorian cry like that again >.<




Petition for weapon furnishing including but not limited to:

Weapon racks and weapons you can mount on walls.

I want a shield and sword to hang above Xan’s fireplace so I can say it’s her fathers!

*eyeballs SE* Also unrelated note:How about dat musketeers guild eh? DON’T TEASE ME BRUH. I’m not getting my hopes up since we have machinist but I can dream.

Originally posted by lookhuman


The muskets were a remnant from a 1.0 guild which never made it into 2.0 I think.




w-w-when when when it tries to scoop it up and put it in its mouth :3333

@nyagosstar @maliwanhellfires @jack-the-giantkiller @warriormaggie look at this cutie!

I saw this once and didn’t reblog it like I shoud have because it is too cute for words. Look at the little baby, working so hard.

I picture miqo’te kittens being like this