Ishgardian Tea



“Rather than adding milk to boiling water that has been infused with tea leaves, as is the fashion in lower Eorzea, Ishgardian tea is brewed by boiling yak milk and letting dried Coerthan tea leaves steep right into the hot liquid.” This one feels almost too easy, but I’m glad that I got to try making tea this way – I’d never had milk tea before! 

I usually take my tea black and hot, but the milk in this tea makes it a luxurious, creamy treat. Channeling my inner Picard, I used loose-leaf Earl Grey tea and sweetened it with maple sugar as per the recipe. The hint of maple was really tasty with the citrus notes of the Earl Grey.

You can make this with just about any kind of tea and just about any kind of sweetener. (I bet this would be tasty with honey.) Black tea probably works best, since milk is more flavorful than water and you’ll need a stronger-flavored tea to match it. My recipe below makes enough for two mugs of milk tea, but it’s pretty easy to size up or down – fill a mug with milk, then pour that amount into your saucepan once per cup you want to make. And use 1 heaping teaspoon of loose leaf tea per cup you want to make. 

Ishgardian Tea! 

About 10oz of milk 

2 heaping teaspoons of loose leaf Earl Grey (or any strong tea of your choice) tea leaves 

Maple sugar to taste (or whatever sweetener you would like!) 

Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Be careful not to let the milk boil – we only want to simmer the tea. Touch the milk with your finger; if it’s hot enough to make you say “Ouch!” and yank your hand back, it’s hot enough for tea. (I measured; I added the tea at about 180 degrees Fahrenheit.) Add your scoops of tea and steep according to the type of tea you chose, stirring occasionally to stop the milk from forming a skin; different teas have different steeping times. I steeped my Earl Grey in the hot milk for about five minutes. Strain the leaves out of the tea and pour into mugs or teacups, then sweeten to taste. A perfect rainy-day cup of comfort! 

Oh… Oh my… O_O

I think there is a must recipe I will attempt to try here. It looks wonderful… ^_^

I think this would work beautifully with a vanilla chai… speaking of, I have some that I can use :3

Looking for RP Partners o/


I’m currently looking to get my new main, Lahar some connections. He’s a gay Thavnairian Summoner who’s fairly new to Eorzea. Anyone interested should drop me a message/ask. I RP both in-game and on Discord. M/E/RP, whatever is good. Just let me know what your style is and whether you’d like to work on something as a long-term plot or general RP.

Click here for Lahar’s bio.
Click here for Lahar’s F-List.

Signal boost for me? ♥

Feel free to poke me in game 🙂


fullbody+color commission for @silencemarvelous

*pushes female out of the way and takes her place* Helloooooo Cid! :3

FFXIV: Conjurer lore








Okay, this is a bit of a nerd post and I could use some help from those who RP as conjurers. As’miya is a conjurer, she can use basic destruction magic but she isn’t that great at it (she can only cast blizzard and thunder) and she studied within the arcanist guild to learn to control her aetherflow.

Now, I don’t want to reveal my canon too much but I’ve been researching into Conjurer and White Mage lore. Now I know White Mages are extremely rare and they’re not well known unless you somehow get associated and chosen by the Padjal or Elements, plus from what I’ve read up White Magic is forbidden.

I may go down the route eventually that she finds an amdapori soulstone where she trains and learns the forbidden magics of the White, although this would be much later on in my current RP timeline. She wouldn’t call herself a White Mage though, nor would she reveal she can use such forbidden spells – she would hide it but those who are powerful enough would be able to sense her aetherflow and possibly get a hint that she’d be able to use such powerful healing magic. Again though, this is a possibly – I need to research properly and come up with an idea how to this happen.

I’ve already got a timeline and a canon present, but I wanted to double check with those who are into their lore: would Miya need to be a member of the Conjurer’s guild to get most of her knowledge for healing and protection spells?

Now, Miya grew up around Thanalan and spends lot of time in La Noscea during for a few years before present day. As of now, she hasn’t really spent a lot of time in Gridania.

She would have begun to ‘hear the elements’ at a young age, she would have thought she was going insane. Now, I wanted someone in her canon (her maternal aunt) to point out that she’s a ‘hearer’ and that she heard the elements of earth within the desert whilst she grew up.

Now what I want to know is – how realistic would it be that Miya would have been shown VERY basic healing and protection spells by a member of her tribe and then eventually learn more through self reading OR could she be shown the basic spells by her aunt and would be it wiser to make her head to Gridania to hone on these spells?

I know the Twelveswood is full of hedge trees which support the magical barrier of the Wood from outside harm. I have read that lore suggests that they were created by Conjurer’s magic and that the Elemental’s magic. So I know that it would be in Miya’s best interest to take time out and head to Gridania to perfect her spells under the guidance of the CNJ guild. I’d figure this out within my canon somehow.

But yeah, I also know that the elementals are EVERYWHERE so I could technically keep Miya around Thanalan when she’s younger but it would seem very unrealistic if:

a) she becomes a decent conjurer if she doesn’t get help from the CNJ guild IF healing and protection spells are difficult as fuck to learn.

b) she needs to be in Gridania for a certain amount of time and she hasn’t been which means I need to re-write her timeline a bit to incorporate this.


Halp heer! I’d be curious to know too!

Depends, some of the very basic things like Cure, Protect, Stone and the like can easily be taught by someone who was once in the guild but it wouldn’t necessarily be a had to have been in the guild. However at least in Cure II’s case it’s something that you would had to have been in the guild to learn as they said in the questline that they don’t teach it all that often.

Cheers @keru-lowry looks like I’m gonna be re-writing my canon now to send her to Gridania to learn the more ‘advanced spells’ since her aunt will be the one teaching her the very BASICS and introducing her to conjuring magic.

This is something I’ve actually had little input on myself, in the attempts i’ve made for questions. What I’ve run with, based on what lore I’ve found, is that Norhi is a conjurer, who came into being chosen as a white mage after the successor to A-Towa-Cant was chosen. She’s quiet about being a white mage. Mostly just calling herself a healer or a mage. She considers her passion to actually be arcanima, but does her work as a healer. However, Norhi grew up in Gridania, and so was admitted to the cnj guild as early as they’d take her.

But I agree that the basics could probably be learned in a number of places. Conjurers, retired or otherwise, are all over the place. And I wouldn’t surprise me to see them picking up students and passing on the art. At least enough of it to keep people from hurting themselves or others. But I agree that the spread certain advanced spells are probably watched more closely by the guild.

I’m interested in reading other peoples’ takes since this is something I wonder about too.

Conjurers are everywhere, in terms of gameplay; pirates have Barbers, the U tribe has (IIRC) Shamans, and remember Hourlinet from Coerthas Central Highlands? Conjurer. I’ve toyed with the idea that they aren’t actually “proper” conjurers, but are “ICly” some other healing class (which SE represents by giving them conjurer spells since that’s what’s available – yet if that were so, why the obviously conjurer-like twig wands, and why not have NPC healers all use Physick?) However, in the 60+ weaver quests, there is a young woman who is secretly training as a “chirurgeon” and “conjurer,” using those exact terms, without leaving Ishgard.

My personal headcanon for the moment is that while the Gridanian Conjurer’s Guild tries to keep control of the image and narrative of conjury (as if they were defending an IP,) and while the most advanced trainers probably reside there, conjury is practiced all over Eorzea. I imagine that different cultures have their own traditions, with knowledge being passed down through practicioners who may have never been anywhere near the Conjurer’s Guild. I would guess that the “technology” started to spread across Eorzea during the Fifth Umbral Era (from early Amdapor??,) possibly before the Elementals empowered the first White Mages.

So… basically my headcanon aligns pretty closely with yours, @asmiyahyun (who I can’t tag D:)

Re: the forbiddenness of White Magic being practiced by people who haven’t been approved by the Padjal: in the 60+ Black Mage questline there is a Hearer who is sent by the Seedseer Council to Thanalan/Ul’dah to track down a rumored Black Mage. So Black Magic, at least, is illegal to the extent that Gridanian!Conjurers can attempt to arrest(?) practicioners even on foreign territory. Of course, I’m not sure if unapproved White Magic is equally illegal, because while both types of magic are blamed for the War of the Magi, White Magic doesn’t do the environmental damage that Black Magic does, at least as far as I know.

I actually agree with your head canon there I have a similar view. Cheers for your input it really has helped me!!

In my character’s backstory, I have Lyn’to as a white mage. He was born with a unique ability to hear and commune with the Elementals, but as he wasn’t part of the Hyur bloodlines (as he is a Miqo’te), he was not born a padjal.

As he grew up, he always noticed strange whispers around him, as well as having a latent ability to heal. When he finally entered Gridania, instead of being branded as an outsider by the Elementals and thus not tainted by Woodsin (which would invoke Greenwrath), he followed the voices to where it was strongest to him, the Guardian Tree. It was there where he first communed properly with the Elementals and thus bestowed with his Soul Crystal. He then went to the head of the conjurer’s guild (E-Sumi Yan) to ask for advice given this revelation and it was there that he studied the duties of a White Mage and honed his skill. It was due to the that he followed Kan-E Senna with the Twin Adders to help heal those wounded at Carteneau, witnessing the Calamity first-hand.

Nowadays, he spends a lot of his time tending to the sick and wounded around Eorzea as well as helping to maintain the balance of the Elementals both in the Shroud and outside across Eorzea. It pains him to see poachers, especially in the Tweleswood as it is a violation of the Law of the Twelveswood, which he tries to respect very much.



Ul’dah’s Flame General Raubahn Aldynn.

This is superb!

Nice drawing :3 We should raise our hands in apprecia-… oh wait…


And that would rightfully be her response too lol

Willam is my idol.


When you’re sitting in Ul’dah, drinking something in the Quicksand.








Russell proving that British Accents aren’t sexy


I want to see the bewilderment in the eyes of anyone who ever claimed to love THE British accent as they watch this.


For real tho, Scouse is my favorite thing on the planet even if I had to spend a year deciphering it.

The truth in this though omfg

I’ve reblogged this before, but it deserves another turn. 🙂

When you say British, make sure you know some of our more… eclectic accents xD

Black Catte Appreciation Post










Alright. We’ve seen lots of appreciation posts before. Roe, Elezen, lala, etc.. so! New thing! Black cats! Everyone show off your black skinned beauties (dark greys/blues also accepted!)

Mholi’a Jawantal

A’xun Enocan

I like black miqo’te but mine is only tan, but re blogging for others to share!

Here’s an older picture of Una’to, though the only change since this picture was his hair style.

hmm lookin good! I might make a dark one when I get home for the hell of it 😀

Asrah Talaan is rather grey and grumpy.

THis was almost Xha;to.

@abeautifulapathy show them chocolate cat.

Not sure if Wyra’to counts but here’s him and his bros 😀 

Dayst Kaydrah

Avus’a Kaydrah (not blood related, just same tribe lol)

Lyn’to Amariyo, dadcat ahoi!

I’ve hit 200+ followers… (Giveaway time)


Okay, since I’ve hit 200+ followers… I’ve decided to do a giveaway. I can only really edit screenshots so I guess I can edit some screenshots for three people.

Here’s some examples of my work:

So uh… if you want some screenshots edited then reblog this to win?? I have no idea how to work this.


  1. You need to follow me.
  2. You need to reblog this post (multiple reblogs don’t count!)
  3. One entry per person.

The closing date for this is next Friday… so 11th March 2016. I’ll contact you via an ask on here so you’ll need to make sure I can. I’ll just randomly select some numbers for whoever reblogs this and keep track via that. 

Once I contact you, we can discuss a screenshot being edited. If you’re on Balmung it’ll be easier for me as I will personally come and screenshot your character (depending on what you wish for) or you can send me a screenshot you’d like me to edit!

Good luck! 

I quite like the atmosphere you have for the screenshot edits, keep it up 😀